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Benedict Evans, partner at the venture capital giant Andreessen Horowitz, may have claimed in 2014 that ‘Mobile is eating the world’, but a look at the job market shows that still
As a former startup founder, I have jumped at too many poor ideas and spent enormous amounts of time and effort developing new ideas, products and apps that ultimately no one
Surprisingly, many developers invest enormous amounts of time, effort and resources in developing games or apps that are built on very shallow foundations. It’s great to have a strong product vision,
Push notifications are one of the most important tactics app developers can use to increase retention rates – but not everyone uses them appropriately. Unlike emails, which can often be trapped
During my time at the App Promotion Summit in Berlin it became clear that a pattern is emerging in mobile analytics. Data now impacts every single decision – from strategy to
Roughly translated as ‘Delivery’ in English, today’s launch of peer-to-peer delivery service Zavezu (Play Store, App Store) is the culmination of over a year and a half’s work. At AppAgent we
Working with about 10 gaming companies at AppAgent, I see a clear pattern as to what are the most common mistakes in mobile marketing. My talk at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki
Deciding whether your newest mobile game should adopt a freemium or premium business model is one of the most important decisions a developer can make. It will not only define the
Tiny Miners, a fast-paced action adventure is the latest game from About Fun, creators of Apple’s ‘Best of 2013’ featured Mega Dead Pixel. The game is already being enjoyed across the

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