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Writing a brief for a creative department or an agency to make a video ad for your game or app might be a challenging experience. Especially when you have no clue
  To learn more about industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. Can you imagine what it must feel like to be the digital marketing director
To learn more about industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. Ad monetization waterfalls might sound confusing, but the principle behind them is reassuringly simple. In
Last updated on September 20th, 2022 To learn more about industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. 4 calculations types for the customer acquisition cost index Would you
AdAge recently reported that the duopoly of Facebook and Google share almost 60% of the digital advertising market between them. Mobile advertising accounts for two-thirds of the entire advertising market worldwide
Last updated on September 20th, 2022 To learn more about mobile marketing industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. For sustainable mobile app growth, you must
Last year, more than two million apps were downloaded from Google Store and the Apple App Store had similar numbers. However, developers often lack marketing experience – which is also different
AppsFlyer, AppAgent, and Incipia have collaborated to create a comprehensive guide on predictive LTV modeling. This must-read resource caters to mobile marketers, UA managers, and marketing analysts. Drawing insights from experts representing companies
Did you know, that 400 000 000 daily active users are following Instagram Stories? 60% of Instagram users watch videos with the sound on 5-10 seconds, vertical format and ‘content generated’

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